4. Feeling Accomplished I feel really content today, and the day isn't even over. I know last night I was a pack of nerves and pre-prepared for a breakdown at the thought of my SO returning to work after the Christmas holidays, but today I've been on top of the world. On top of my world. I got up for baba at 5:15 this morning (usually I would leave that to the Mr as he would be getting up for work at 5:30am) took her downstairs, nappy change, bottle, breakfast, dressed and on the floor for some playtime - BAM. Then straight in the kitchen, empty bottles in sink, kettle on for coffee, took my tablets straight away - BOOM. My SO couldn't believe his eyes when he came in the living room. He couldn't stop smiling at me smiling. I was smiling! Haven't done that much in a while... I got dressed and cleaned as soon as I could, got her off for her mid-morning nap - no problem. Met up with my mother, we went shopping, had a bit lunch. I even bought myself some clo...