4. Feeling Accomplished
I got up for baba at 5:15 this morning (usually I would leave that to the Mr as he would be getting up for work at 5:30am) took her downstairs, nappy change, bottle, breakfast, dressed and on the floor for some playtime - BAM. Then straight in the kitchen, empty bottles in sink, kettle on for coffee, took my tablets straight away - BOOM. My SO couldn't believe his eyes when he came in the living room. He couldn't stop smiling at me smiling. I was smiling! Haven't done that much in a while...
I got dressed and cleaned as soon as I could, got her off for her mid-morning nap - no problem. Met up with my mother, we went shopping, had a bit lunch. I even bought myself some clothes. Me! I never shop for myself anymore, it's always for mini cheddar. Or on the odd chance I do go looking for myself, I get too depressed because I'm larger so I feel all frumpy.
Seriously though, I've been so out of character to what I have been the past 6 months or so. I'm going to a happier me; the me I wanted my daughter to see first off, not 9 months later.
My whole body was in a shut down, I went from being fashion fabulous to baggy-tastic. My hair hasn't had any love since July, I'm dying to get some dye on it, I used to get called "Raven-haired beauty" from one of mine and my SO's friends - right now it's more like in Ron Weasley in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' when the polyjuice potion starts wearing off and his ginger starts to resurface. It wasn't until I bought myself some new clothes today, that I realised how much I have actually been neglecting myself.
Honestly, I don't know what was in my Prosecco on New Year but it's made me realise how bad I have actually been, mentally and physically. I feel so accomplished by doing the morning routine with my daughter, I shouldn't feel accomplished, it should be the norm, but I do feel accomplished. And in a way I'm proud to be accomplished, it shows that I am one baby step closer to getting myself better.
I'm going to attempt a fashion blog entry later tonight with my purchases, as I feel so happy with them.
I just hope I am feeling this way tomorrow, and the next day, and every day. I'll be better in no time and will be able to say that I beat depression, I beat anxiety.
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